
Our analyst team has built several advanced tools and calculators designed to help investors make important decisions about retirement planning and investing.

IRA Tools

These tools will assist investors in determining an optimal strategy for their IRA contributions.

IRA Scenario Calculator

Compare different IRA contribution scenarios, including Traditional, Roth, and Backdoor Roth.

IRA Eligibility Calculator

Compare different IRA contribution scenarios, including Traditional, Roth, and Backdoor Roth.

Child IRA Calculator

Starting a Roth IRA for your child could be the smartest financial move you ever make. 

IRA Conversion Tool

Should you convert your Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA?

Backdoor Roth Calculator

How much tax-free wealth can be created by a Backdoor Roth IRA?

HSA Tools

These tools can help investors determine optimal strategy and eligibility for contributions to and withdrawals from an HSA:

HSA Calculator

How much tax-free wealth could you create by using a Health Savings Account (HSA)?

401(k) Tools

These tools can help investors determine optimal strategies for establishing and contributing to a 401(k) plan.

Solo 401(k) Calculator

Figure out how much you can contribute to a Solo 401(k) plan.


These tools can help investors quantify the value associated with a UTMA or UGMA account.

UTMA Calculator

Calculate the tax advantages of setting up a UTMA or UGMA account for your children.

NUA Tools

Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) can be a powerful tax savings strategy. But it only makes sense for certain investors, and can destroy value if done incorrectly.

NUA Calculator

Determine if a net unrealized appreciation (NUA) election can create value for you.